is a platform to define
and engage with
the target community
Onchain quests
without APIs
Broad community
Wide range
of diverse tasks
Filtration systems for your target audience

What are some

of the challanges startups face?
Drop hunters and
and low-quality traffic

Bots and "drop hunters" can distort

even well-designed quest funnels.

Low-quality users motivated

only by financial rewards may not

be truly interested in the project.

and ineffextiveness
of quest companies

Uniformity of tasks on quest

platforms reduces social activity,

which in turn leads to low

community engagement.

Absence of

custom onchain quests

Creating online quests requires

significant investment

in development and integration with

APIs or other software solutions,

or results in their low efficiency

How do we solve these
On-chain and Social Filtering

Allows you to limit low-quality

traffic such as sybil, multi-accounts,

and drop hunters.

With our filters, you will be able to identify the required qualities of your quest participants, be it their online activity or social metrics.

This way, you can be sure that your quest funnels are effective and that the rewards reach exactly your target audience.

No code when creating on-chain quests

Creating custom on-chain quests

by using only a smart contract

We provide the ability to create on-chain quests using only smart contracts, without using APIs or other tools that can complicate the process.

You can define the amount of interaction and detail the actions to be performed by the user to make the process as simple and user-friendly as possible.

Ability to choose how to interact with the audience
Mack0 offers a variety of ways
to engage with your community
through four key areas:
  • promoting your brand through social media;
  • deep user integration through on-chain tasks;
  • deep user integration through on-chain tasks;
  • lowering the barrier to entry through educational quests;
  • engaging in community management;
  • feedback gathering through havernance tasks.
Building a quest onboarding funnel
Journey allows you to create
quest funnels for different purposes.

Several such Journey's can be directed to different target audiences or pursue different objectives.

This is a good tool to create an Odyssey into your ecosystem from the different opportunities your product offers.

With what tools?


Create filters to define your target audience and weed out multiakers and drop hunters, thus increasing the quality of the audience. Value community in quality not quantity.

All users
All participants can
pass this quest
NFTs holder
Users with a certain NFT
can participate
Tokens holder
Users with a certain token
can participate
Spesific role
Your community members
with a specific role
in discord can take a part


Create any funnels for different types of tasks. We offer you four main blocks that cover all your community management needs

The block for social
interactions with your brand
The block will help make
your service more clear
The block to collect
information from users
The block focused
on interaction with your
on-chain service


Determine community value by identifying your community's social and onchain information. Track the effectiveness of quest funnels.

Data-Driven Focus
See How Your Project Performs with Real-Time Analytics
Track key metrics like participation,
engagement, and community
sentiment to optimize quests and build
a stronger following.
Get the Insights You Need to Grow Your Web3 Projec
Understand your audience, measure
campaign impact, and make informed
decisions with our comprehensive
analytics suite.
Take Your Project to the Next Level with Powerful Analytics
TGo beyond basic metrics and discover
actionable insights that drive growth and
foster a thriving community.
How do you get
started with Mark0
Decide on the goal you
want to achieve
This could be directions such as:
  • Increase the number of interactions with the product. Segmenting your community or highlighting the active part of it.
  • Creating activity only for your target audience.
  • Create an onboarding funnel.
  • Engaging more actively with the community to co-manage and collect feedback, etc.
Once the goals have been
established, we proceed
to the registration phase.

When creating a startup on Mark0, it's crucial to provide as many details about your project as possible. For the platform to work effectively, you need to connect your social networks to track the successful growth of your community.A bot for your Discord service can help you do this.

Creating a quest
or journey
  • Increase the number of interactions with the product. Segmenting your community `or highlighting the active part of it.
  • Creating activity only for your target audience.
  • Create an onboarding funnel.
  • Engaging more actively with the community to co-manage and collect feedback, etc.
Efficiency analysis

As your audience progresses through quest funnels, you receive data on participants and funnel effectiveness. This data can be utilized to enhance the product and gain a deeper understanding of your audience.

Funnel update

By analyzing this data, you can enhance existing funnels or create parallel ones with different goals. Your product and increase audience loyalty. Additionally, strive to minimize irrelevant traffic, such as Sybil bots and low-quality audience engagement.

track the results of your
community outreach
efforts in Mark0

Track new users on Twitter

and Discord Telegram

Track what % of the community in which social networks are active and work with the potential for growth

Find out who is the most active

member of the community

Who holds the most of your

tokens and who is a whale

Gather meet-ups knowing

where your community is

Research how your users live

and what their interests are